Berlin based Australian writer and photographer Shannon May Powell worked at torna between 03.06.2016 - 30.06.2016
'...the pairing of images that evoke a tactile experience...'
Follow her online blog here

Istanbul based artist İrem Günaydın worked at torna between 19.01.2016 - 19.03.2016
'My project might be to get warm. As long as this project is only a desire, I can turn it over every possible way and still it will not make me warm. But now I build a stove: the stove transforms the empty ideal which was my desire into something real : it affirms the presence in the world of someting which was not there before, and in so doing, denies something which was there before; before I has in front of me stones and cast ironnow I no longer have either stones or cast iron, but instead the product of the trasnformation of these elements . These objects, which I have produced by changing the state of things, will in turn change me.'
by Maurice Blanchot

Australian artist Kiah Reading and Peruvian artist Pamela Arce worked at torna between 16.11.2015 - 15.01.2016 // See their torna work here
'As this object, like any produced object, travels down the assembly line, it is defined by the people on both sides of the belt – people who are not heroes or villains, but producers and reproducers of certain relations that the things themselves and the traces on their surfaces later express (Sergei Tretyakov in The Biography of the Object).'

British artist Charlie Coffey worked at torna between 28.10.2015 - 07.11.2015
'There’s a story Rupert Everett tells about travelling with Julia Roberts. He picked her up in her hotel, where she greeted him barefoot in a towelling robe. They padded across the carpeted floor to the lift, then down to the carpark, where she stepped directly into the limo and drove to the airport. From the limo, she stepped on to the carpeted plane. It was only when they eventually pulled up at her house that an assistant appeared with a pair of slippers for her to take the four steps to the front door.'
Eva Wiseman (Property Goes Through the Roof Again, published in the Guardian, 30 August 2015)

Caitlin Franzmann - April / June 2014
Australian artist Caitlin Franzmann worked at torna between April - June 2014. See more on her torna project here.

Laurianne Bixhain - June 2014
French artist Laurianne Bixhain worked at torna in June 2014. See more on her torna project here.